Personality Traits Every Nurse Should Have

Personality Traits Every Nurse Should Have


Nurse – Mentally Preparing Yourself for Nursing

Nursing is a field that is demanding, but extremely rewarding, for the individuals who pursue it. Long hours walking around and keeping track of a myriad of patients is physically taxing. It is the same for across the board, from experienced nurses to the newcomers. What helps is having certain traits that all great nurses should possess. We have compiled a list to check against your personality or use as a guide.

Personality Traits of a Great Nurse

As someone who is caring for other people, it is imperative that you possess a caring nature. If you cannot care about people you are serving then you will never grow as a nurse. It is important to the peace of mind of a patient and their family, that the nurse in charge of their well-being shows that they care about them.
Along with caring comes empathy. More often than not, their patients and family will be pain and scared. You must be able to see their situation from their perspective in order to give quality care. Thinking about the manner in which you would like to be treated will ensure your patients remain happy and cooperative through the duration of their stay.
Detailed-oriented individuals are needed in the nursing field. It is vital that all information is recorded in their chart. They must also remember to bring patients the right medication and dosage at the correct times. On top of these responsibilities are countless others that need to be juggled on a daily basis. Along with being able to handle surprises.
Adaptability is key to managing every day as a nurse since no two days are the same. All nurses need the ability to acclimate to their surroundings without stressing. Being well-aware the people and events are unpredictable will enable them to think on their feet. Which is another trait needed as a nurse. There will be times when you will notice something is not right and have to make a split-second decision. When it comes to the health field, taking a second to second guess yourself is the difference between life and death. The better judgement you have, the more good you can do in your field.
Hard-working and possessing the physical endurance it takes to be on your feet all day are two skills required of a nurse. Nursing is a never ending job as someone is always ill or in need of care. You would be hard-pressed to find a hospital that is overstaffed which means your workload will be extremely full. Those who lack hard-work will crumble under the pressure.
As a nurse you will constantly be on your feet, zipping back and forth between patients. 12 hour shifts can be grueling which means you will want to be at your physical best. Do so by trying to train when you can and maintaining a healthy diet. These simple steps can go farther than you think.

CEN Review Course

While nursing is a taxing career, ask any nurse and they will assure you that it is worth it. All you need is a little perseverance and these traits, you are well on your way to becoming a great nurse. At Elite Reviews, we ensure you get started early by providing a wonderful program that prepares you for your nursing exams. Whether you are about to take the CEN or NCLEX exam, we have a course that is tailored to help you pass with flying colors.
For additional information about our course, check out our course page or contact us at (901)286-3884.

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