
Personality Traits Every Nurse Should Have


Nurse - Mentally Preparing Yourself for Nursing

Nursing is a field that is demanding, but extremely rewarding, for the individuals who pursue it. Long hours walking around and keeping track of a myriad of patients is physically taxing. It is the same for across the board, from experienced nurses to the newcomers. What helps is having certain traits that all great nurses should possess. We have compiled a list to check against your personality or use as a guide.

Personality Traits of a Great Nurse

As someone who is caring for other people, it is imperative that you possess a caring nature. If you cannot care about people you are serving then you will never grow as a nurse. It is important to the peace of mind of a patient and their family, that the nurse in charge of their well-being shows that they care about them. Along with caring comes empathy. More often than not, their patients and family will be pain and scared. You must be able to see their situation from their perspective in order to give quality care. Thinking about the manner in which you would like to be treated will ensure your patients remain happy and cooperative through the duration of their stay. Detailed-oriented individuals are needed in the nursing field. It is vital that all information is recorded in their chart. They must also remember to bring patients the right medication and dosage at the correct times. On top of these responsibilities are countless others that need to be juggled on a daily basis. Along with being able to handle surprises. Adaptability is key to managing every day as a nurse since no two days are the same. All nurses need the ability to acclimate to their surroundings without stressing. Being well-aware the people and events are unpredictable will enable them to think on their feet. Which is another trait needed as a nurse. There will be times when you will notice something is not right and have to make a split-second decision. When it comes to the health field, taking a second to second guess yourself is the difference between life and death. The better judgement you have, the more good you can do in your field. Hard-working and possessing the physical endurance it takes to be on your feet all day are two skills required of a nurse. Nursing is a never ending job as someone is always ill or in need of care. You would be hard-pressed to find a hospital that is overstaffed which means your workload will be extremely full. Those who lack hard-work will crumble under the pressure. As a nurse you will constantly be on your feet, zipping back and forth between patients. 12 hour shifts can be grueling which means you will want to be at your physical best. Do so by trying to train when you can and maintaining a healthy diet. These simple steps can go farther than you think.

CEN Review Course

While nursing is a taxing career, ask any nurse and they will assure you that it is worth it. All you need is a little perseverance and these traits, you are well on your way to becoming a great nurse. At Elite Reviews, we ensure you get started early by providing a wonderful program that prepares you for your nursing exams. Whether you are about to take the CEN or NCLEX exam, we have a course that is tailored to help you pass with flying colors. For additional information about our course, check out our course page or contact us at (901)286-3884.

Creating a Study Plan for Your Nursing Certification Exams

nursing certification

Do Not Stress the Test

For some nursing students, the thought of impending exams can be completely overwhelming. While it is common to dread an impending test, that mentality can be detrimental to your results. Psyching yourself out prior to a big tests can lead to poor results on material you know like the back of your hand. Preparation can be the key to your success and with a great study plan, you will have the confidence it takes to ace your exam.

Tips for Exam Preparation

Identifying what you know and what you do not know is the first step when it comes to creating a study plan. Go through all the information you were given over the span of the course to find out what you have retained and what did not stick. This will save precious time by not wasting it going over concepts you are well-versed in. Determine what kind of studying works best for you, solo or group. Some individuals find that they are able to learn best through interaction. With a group you will find there are people to quiz you and can offer their own pointers. Just be sure that the study session stays on task as it can easily fall into social event than one about review. If you are a person that can become easily distracted, solo studying may work best for you. Pick a spot that is free of distraction such as a library that is quiet with the addition of librarians who are excellent resources. As you can see, both study options have their benefits and comes down to what aids you the best. Set a realistic time frame in which to study every day. While you will see yourself as a student first and foremost, you may also be juggling a job or hands-on training. Which does not leave all the much time for review. It is paramount to passing your exams that you get at least an hour worth of review every day. You can fit this in during breaks or lunch time and possibly before bed. As with choosing between solo or group review, you must also choose the method that best suits your personality. If you are a visual learner, study with flashcards and images. The auditory types can listen to recordings of the lecture as part of their review as well. More traditional individuals can go over their notes and even old exams. Seek out example questions for a realistic feel of the exam you will be taking. This will take the surprise element out that can cause anxiety in some test takers. The universal piece of advice given to all test takers is to be well-rested. As a future nurse you know better than anybody that getting the right amount of sleep and maintaining a balanced diet will keep your mind sharp. Trade your textbook and study materials for a comfy bed and pillows.

Nursing Certification

Becoming a nurse is worthwhile endeavor but one filled with many hours of studying. To make the process easier, at Elite Reviews have become one of the best online resources to aid individuals in their goals of becoming contributing members of the healthcare community. We provide courses, exams, and have a question bank to prepare you for your next exam. With the ability to access our resources anywhere, you have the ability to review anytime and anywhere with courses that range from PCCN to NCLEX-RN. For more information about our online resources, contact us at (901)286-3884. Happy Studying!
registered nurses

The Growing Value of Registered Nurses

Registered Nurses - Empowering an already-empowered vocation

According to a story in the Huffington Post, Nebraska has become the latest state to alter its laws, allowing registered nurses in certain fields to practice independently, and to administer treatments they’ve been certified for. The Cornhusker State is the 20th state to do so, and according to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) there are 8 more states considering similar legislation. Even though nursing has always been a respected career, these changes demonstrate a growing appreciation for its constituents, among the masses.

Become a nurse and find fulfillment

If your life is void of contentment and happiness, nursing presents a wonderful opportunity to fill it. It always has. The profession primarily consists of administering patient care with the most gentle of touches. The best nurses are well known for their ability to make patients feel comfortable and at ease in a doctor’s office. The life of a nurse is one overflowing with meaning. Especially in today’s world, where the above-mentioned legislation is becoming increasingly common. Today’s nurses are even more autonomous and inspired than the pioneers that came before them. If it’s difficult to grasp the type of satisfaction that nurses feel on a daily basis, then it may be time to find a different line of work. Strike up a conversation with any nurse you know, they’ll likely reflect the sentiment. Not only is the career extremely rewarding, but it’s extremely inviting too. Nurses want people to go to nursing school, they want people to take their exams, they want people to feel the insane amount of joy that they do – they understand that a world filled with nurses is a fantastic one to live in. It’s your turn to put on the scrubs!

For a nurse, there is always work to be done

The career path of a nurse is seemingly endless. Whether it’s a specialty certification or a management position, work opportunities are abundant in just about every field of nursing. There are many specific areas within the medical field that need nurses – operating rooms, urgent care, dialysis, emergency rooms, you name it. If you’re a nurse, there is work for you. Good work – the wages and benefits are notoriously excellent, as is the room for promotion. Couple that with legendary job security and you have yourself a long and profitable career. All this awaits the hardworking individuals that want it. Similar to many other important careers, it takes a few classic steps. You’ll need to get into a nursing school, graduate from it, and then pass their rigorous exams. If this seems like a lot of work, you’re right, it is a lot of work. Nursing, especially the highly autonomous nursing of today, requires extensive training. It ensures the continued competence of the noble profession, so it can continue to be held in such high regard. If you’re up for the task, many benefits await you when it’s through.

Passing the exams with the help of a review

You just have to pass the exams first. Whether it’s the NCLEX-RN, CCRN, PCCN, or the CEN review – you better believe it’s no walk in the park. Nursing students know that the material is complex, requiring guidance from a variety of solidified outlets. We, at Elite Reviews, provide quality, comprehensive courses that help aspiring registered nurses become certified nurses. The field is in demand, and the demand seems to be growing. So if you’re ready to enter the incredible world of nursing, we’re ready to help when it’s exam time. Visit our website or call (901)-286-3884 to sign up, today!

Future Nurses – Don’t Test Without a Review!

To Future Nurses - Don't Test Without A Review!!

Nurses are immensely vital individuals. Their influence extends well beyond doctor assistance. The emotional security they provide for patients is immeasurably valuable and unique. You can always count on a nurse to make you feel at ease in a hospital, despite the circumstances. A world without them is, for lack of a better word, darker. The world can always use more of them. As long as nursing students continue to finish school and pass their certifying exams, the world is in an excellent position to succeed. They each seem to possess characteristics that are inherently good hearted and kind. They emit a compassion that is quite infectious. The more nurses, the more benevolence, something our society sorely needs. Here are the familiar traits of a nurse, the ones we appreciate, and the ones we want in surplus. • Generosity – Nursing is a selfless career. Day in and day out, they help others with very little regard for themselves. To claim that a nurse is kind is an understatement. • Tireless – You can only expect a diligent, quality work ethic from a nurse. There is no time to slack off or show fatigue throughout a shift, their jobs are too important. If that weren’t enough, most nurses go home to a family each day, dispensing the same vigorous charity they do at work. • Enthusiasm – You’ll be hard pressed to find a nurse who doesn’t love what they do. They are extremely passionate people who actively enjoy helping others. Which is why you’ll likely see a number of nurses working nights, weekends, and holidays. They sacrifice a great deal to do what they do. • Sympathy – A nurse’s compassion is fundamental and essentially an unofficial requirement. Patients experience this the most, however coworkers, families, friends, and entire communities are subject to it as well. It’s easy to spot a nurse, they’re the ones arriving early, leaving late, making accommodations – just wonderfully giving people. Nurses are integral to the function of society. It’s hard to think of another career where the above-mentioned traits are so valued. An increase in nurses would be a boon to the global community. That’s why institutions like Elite Reviews provides quality online reviews for nursing exams. They understand the importance of nurses and aim to afford each student a greater opportunity to pass their certifying exams and put on the scrubs! Visit the website or call (901)-286-3884 for a free trial or to register, today! Online Review Courses Review Course Free Trials